Consultations are by appointment only.
To make an appointment please call 01 8436611 or book by downloading the Pippo App
Appointments with GP are 15 minutes long.
There is a limit to the amount of issues we can safely cover in a 15 minute consultation.
Best Practice recommends discussing one major issue and one minor issue.
If you have a list of issues you will need to book a long consultation or come back for a second appointment.
If your appointment runs over, it means the person waiting after you is left waiting longer and this has a domino effect.
If you are late for your appointment, your available time is reduced. If you are more than 15 mins late for your appointment, you will only be seen if there is an available appointment later in the day, or your appointment will need to be rescheduled. Please plan to arrive on time to ensure you receive your full appointment.
Here are a few ways you can help us provide a better service to you:
Requesting Your Appointment
You can book an appointment by downloading the Pippo app by calling us
on 01 843 6611.
Please note a GP Surgery receptionist is not simply someone who answers the phone—they are specially trained to help you get the most appropriate treatment as fast as possible. In order to do this, they may need to ask you questions about why you need to see a doctor.
When you are booking an appointment for a specialised procedure, please specify when making the appointment, eg mirena, implanon, first menopause consultation, travel consultation, childhood vaccination, or smear.
Appointments with the GP are 15 minutes long.
Please arrive on time to your appointment, giving additional time for traffic delays.
There is a limit to the number of issues we can safely cover in a 15-minute consultation.
If you have a list of issues, you should book a double appointment to ensure that appropriate consultation can take place.
Otherwise, patients may be asked to book another appointment at a later date.
Urgent cases will be seen on the day where possible, but we may not be able to offer a choice of doctor or time.
If your problem is very urgent or you feel too ill to wait, please tell us, as we will always give priority to such cases.
If you have any forms or any other paperwork to be completed by the doctor, please leave this at reception. We would like to keep consultation time for medical issues only.
If you cannot attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer the appointment to another patient who needs it.
Some delays are inevitable in medical practice due to the urgent nature of some problems, but please rest assured that we are trying to minimize them and that we are very conscious of them when they do occur.
House Calls
Home visits can be arranged for housebound immobile patients who are medically unable to travel or those too ill to travel to the surgery. All other patients, including sick children, should attend the surgery where we have the proper equipment and facilities to diagnose and treat medical problems.
Your GP will only visit at home if they think your medical condition requires it, and they will decide how urgently a visit is needed.
If you do need a Home visit you can help us by phoning reception before 10:30 am.
Please contact the surgery prior to your appointment if you are unable to make it and we will be able to assign your appointment to another patient. The clinic can be under pressure for appointment availability and we would greatly appreciate your co-operation with this.